Core Intelligence Coaching
Core Intelligence Coaching
“The gap between knowing and doing is Embodiment”
~ Thomas Huebl
As a Core Intelligence Coach, I specialize in helping highly sensitive people, empaths, and intellectual types who find themselves at odds with being in their bodies. Whether it’s because you are stuck in your head, you experience pain or find it overwhelming to be in your body, I am here to help you move through it to more ease, grace, and joy.

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your body or relationships, and ready to move through it to experience greater possibilities?
Do you often find yourself overthinking and being stuck in your head, longing to feel centered, grounded and connected to your core of peace?
Are you craving deeper connections and more meaningful relationships, but struggling to reach out, to communicate effectively or create healthy boundaries?
Are you seeking a holistic approach to healing and wellness, one that integrates your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies?
Do you desire greater balance, clarity, and joy in your life, and to reclaim your power to live the life you truly desire?
If you’re ready to blast through old patterns, restore health, and rediscover your inner bliss, you’re in the right place!
What is Core Intelligence Coaching?
Core Intelligence Coaching is a deep dive into your core & most essential workings. It’s about tuning into the subtle whispers of your body and learning how to deeply listen to its guidance.
Through my 25+ years as an Embodiment Expert, we’ll work together to transform the health of your body and relationships. If needed this work may begin with my signature Balanced Well Program to restore alignment in the body, eliminate pain, increase energy and help you move freely again.

We will use the 4 pillars of Core Intelligence as guideposts along the journey
Core Values
Core Alignment
Core Strength
Core Integrity

The Journey Begins
We start with a detailed assessment of the health of your whole system & the 4 Core Pillars, and then use this as your north star, to create a map for your journey. A personalized program is designed to support you in achieving greater overall health based on your desires, values, needs and goals.
Through individualized sessions, you will integrate new ways of moving and being, to strengthen your body and your relationships. As you come into greater alignment, and cultivate core integrity— this becomes a steady anchor through all of life’s ups and downs.
The Core Intelligence Experience
Whether you’re seeking relief from physical pain, improving your overall health, upgrading mindset and self-talk, or diving deep into energetic realms, I’m here to support your journey every step of the way.
Core Intelligence Coaching is a reconnection to your inner body wisdom. To your embodied knowing of what habits, foods, ways of moving, environments, people and emotions are contributing to your highest vitality and health, and which are slowly, or rapidly, draining your vital energy.
It also provides the knowledge, support and accountability for you to make the changes necessary to improve your overall health & vitality, from the inside out.
This is a program that integrates over 2 decades of experience, research & practice. It approaches whole-being health with highly attuned discernment, intuition and care, to support you in improving vitality in all aspects of your body, mind, and spirit.
Ready to Embark?
This can be the beginning of a new, healthier, happier way of life. With just a few quick questions we can determine how this program will work best for you. Together, we’ll explore how Core Intelligence Coaching can support you in aligning with your highest vitality and health.

If you are one of those “that’s just how I am” or “that’s just the way things are” type of people, feel free to stay exactly where you are. However, if you are ready to have your edges lovingly coaxed into new levels of expansion & transformation, you are in the right place! Let’s dive in & co-create a space where your unique essence thrives.

As a special bonus to all VIP Coaching Clients, you will receive full access to the Aligned Membership for the length of your Coaching Program.
Each Program is Custom Designed for the Individual & May Include:
- Balanced Well Custom Movement Program
- Postural Therapy
- Mindfulness & Meditation
- Nervous System Regulation
- Somatic Movement
- Whole Brain Integration exercises for improved focus, concentration, coordination, agility and balance
- Reiki & Tantric Energy practices
- Detoxification & Cleansing Support
- Nutrition & Lifestyle coaching
- Core Alignment Tools
- Energy Medicine exercises
- Accountability for behavior change and integrating lifestyle upgrades
- Referral to specialists to form your “A” team of support as needed

“I believe one of the best conversations you can have is with your own body. You can struggle & suffer to excavate this inner wisdom or you can learn how to attune to the subtle whispers, to listen deeply and access your inner GPS with more grace, ease and joy.” Nancy
“As a Core Intelligence Coach, she helps Highly Sensitive People and Empaths to create core integrity, refine boundaries, restore health, and rediscover inner bliss, igniting in them a playful and joyous connection to power, clarity and flow like never before.”
The most significant results I have noticed from this 6 month program are an increase in confidence, an ability to let down defenses, and an improvement in my ability to communicate clearly. I am more empowered in difficult situations to ask for what I need and to express myself without anger while holding space for a healthy two-way exchange.
I have experienced an increase in my self-compassion, my energy levels, and my anxiety levels have dropped significantly. She has shown me the power I have to flow through a ‘bad day’ and know it will pass, rather than resist and prolong it. As well, I have learned to prioritize my needs without guilt, increase my level of self-care and to trust and honor my intuition. the centering techniques that she has taught me have proven to be valuable tools when life gets busy and/or emotions are intense. I highly recommended Nancy’s expert guidance to anyone who feels in need of some extra support in finding your way back to your true self.” ~ Monica
~ John B.

About Your Guide
I believe one of the best conversations you can have is with your own body, once you know how to attune, be present, and deeply listen. I’ve seen again and again how mastering these skills transforms more than the health of your body. It transforms all of your relationships- to self, to other, to loved ones, and more.
Are you ready?